Monday, January 28, 2013

Hanoi International SDA Church - The place to worship "The Hanoi Club"

The place to worship
@The Hanoi Club

By the blessing of God, as of January 5, 2013 Hanoi International has started to worship every saturday in:

The Hanoi Club, Hotel & Lake Palais Residences  

2nd floor (Jasmine Room), 76 Yen Phu Str., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam


The worship starting at 9:30am with Sabbath School Program (sharing of testimony, praying time and discussion), continue with Divine Worship. 

We have potluck and gathering at member's house with Vegetarian Food... don't miss it!... it's the time of connecting, gathering and praying.  

Hanoi International SDA Church - Outreach visit Mr. Hai family

Outreachvisit Mr. Hai family
Kim Giang SDA Church – 22 Dec 2012

Hanoi International SDA Church - Outreach at Tam Thanh Orphanage

Outreach – Tam Thanh Orphanage
3 Nov 2012

Hanoi International SDA Church - Year End 2012 Thanksgiving

AYear End 2012 – Thanksgiving @Romana’s home – 22 Dec 2012


Women in action

dinner time....

karaoke time....

Gangnam Style of Mr. Park

Exchange gift

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"Ivy's birthday thanksgiving in SOS Village"

On November 25, 2012, Hanoi International SDA Church celebrate Ivyana Manawan 3rd years birthday in SOS Village, Hanoi

What a happy time with the kids

The kids enjoying KFC