Saturday, June 29, 2013

The last sabbath of Manawan's family with HISDAC

Sabbath, June 29, 2013 was the last sabbath for Manawan's family in Hanoi.... 

Sermon Program... 

Special song by Arnold & Sis. Joy 

Group picture at Hanoi Club 

Birthday celebration of Ivana (6 years old)

Birthday cake....yummyyyyyy.... 

Smiling face....

Yourim.... what's in your mouth??? 

take pic first....before enjoy the food :) 
Anh Hai in action... 

cutting the cake plss..... we are waiting for it 


Who is the handsome one??? 

our lovely singles... 

Eheemmm.. the family of ??? 

Thanks for the gift Mr. Park & Church...

We love the pictures and note at the back... We'll miss you All...

Manawan's family & :)

Lovely farewell dinner 

We really enjoy the dinner and togetherness...
The best dress code for the dinner is..... Mr. Park 

The Baptism of Tihomir Min.... what a lovely and great sabbath

June 8, 2013 was a great sabbath for HISDAC, where we had a baptism of Tihomir Min.  After more than 8 months we met him, learnt bible together and shared with him, by the power of Holy Spirit, he decided to be baptized.

The sabbath started with Sabbath school program and Sermon...with Baptism Vow, led by Pastor Mok (SAUM Union President)
 There were many friends of Tihomir join the worship with us.....
Baptism Vow

The baptism was done in Hanoi Club swimming pool....

Praise the Lord for bringing Tihomir to Jesus

Celebration of church.....enjoy the potluck together 

After potluck, we had a blessing of Communion Service led by Pastor Mok...

We enjoyed the sabbath and having group dinner together... What a lovely sabbath we ever had.

Outreach to local families in Hung Yen Village

On May 18, 2013 was a blessed day where we have Pastor Glenn Townend and family....He share for the sermon...

After the sabbath program, we had outreach to local families

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sabbath Worship March 16, 2013

After the holidays, the church members were actually able to gather back today.
Below is the photo of the church during sabbath school discussion composing of three groups (the Kindergarten, Primary and Adults) 
This next photo shows the kids in their sabbath school activity.
Below is the Adult Discussion group.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hanoi International SDA Church - The place to worship "The Hanoi Club"

The place to worship
@The Hanoi Club

By the blessing of God, as of January 5, 2013 Hanoi International has started to worship every saturday in:

The Hanoi Club, Hotel & Lake Palais Residences  

2nd floor (Jasmine Room), 76 Yen Phu Str., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam


The worship starting at 9:30am with Sabbath School Program (sharing of testimony, praying time and discussion), continue with Divine Worship. 

We have potluck and gathering at member's house with Vegetarian Food... don't miss it!... it's the time of connecting, gathering and praying.  

Hanoi International SDA Church - Outreach visit Mr. Hai family

Outreachvisit Mr. Hai family
Kim Giang SDA Church – 22 Dec 2012

Hanoi International SDA Church - Outreach at Tam Thanh Orphanage

Outreach – Tam Thanh Orphanage
3 Nov 2012